Limitations of SSI's implementation in PostgreSQL
In the previous article I covered why Serializable transactions are great for a more worry-free development of concurrent applications. Now we’re going to cover some details of how it’s implemented in postgresql so we understand some of its limitations. Essentially this post is about false-positive detection of serialization anomalies.
Let’s create a test table with a large number of rows first, the smallest Id being 1000 and the largest being 1000000:
WITH q(num) AS (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1000,1000000)) INSERT INTO test_table (id, name) SELECT num, 'anything' FROM q;
SELECT min(id), max(id) FROM test_table;
Let’s start with two concurrent transactions whose concurrent
execution is serializable, so postgres should let them commit. Scroll
further down below to look at the SQL we will execute as you read the
bullet points below:
- The transaction to the left (henceforth called left-txn) looks for a
row with id=5 and right-txn doesn’t insert such a row.
- Right-txn looks for a row with id=1000001 and doesn’t find one, but
left-txn does insert a row with that Id.
- Right-txn inserts a row with Id 1000002, but left-txn is not / would
not be affected by that in the slightest.
The execution is serializable because the final results are the same as if right-txn had committed before left-txn started (but postgres will let you commit any one of them before the other).
To try this experiment, open two separate psql
instances, and run each command in the order they’re laid out vertically
below in each separate instance:
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id=5;
-- 0 results
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id=1000001;
-- 0 results
INSERT INTO test_table (id, name) VALUES (1000001, 'something');
-- INSERT 0 1
INSERT INTO test_table (id, name) VALUES (1000002, 'something');
-- INSERT 0 1
COMMIT; -- all good
COMMIT; -- all good, and you could've committed this first as well
For postgres to detect a serialization anomaly, there needs to be a
cycle* in rw-antidependencies (a rw-antidependency is when one
transaction reads something whose results would be different due to
another concurrent transaction modifying data). Since there are only two
concurrent transactions and left-txn doesn’t read any data modified by
right-txn, there can be no such cycle (notice there is a
rw-antidependency from right-txn -> left-txn due to reading
0 results with id=1000001
). What if repeat the transactions
above but change the Ids so they’re closer to each other? Instead of 5,
1000001 and 1000002 let’s use 5, 4 and 200.
DELETE FROM test_table WHERE id>1000000; -- clean up
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id=5;
-- 0 results
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id=4;
-- 0 results
INSERT INTO test_table (id, name) VALUES (4, 'something');
-- INSERT 0 1
INSERT INTO test_table (id, name) VALUES (200, 'something');
-- INSERT 0 1
COMMIT; -- all good
not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions
ERROR: could on identification as a pivot, during commit attempt.
DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled The transaction might succeed if retried. HINT:
We just replaced some Ids but it is still true that left-txn does not read any data modified by right-txn. So why does this fail? The answer is that postgres checks aren’t perfectly precise. There is a matter of granularity. Let’s look in more detail.
Predicate locks
Every time you read data from a table inside a serializable transaction, postgres creates one or more predicate locks internally. “Lock” is a bit of a misnomer because unlike locks we’re familiar with, these don’t block other transactions from reading nor writing to the same data. Let’s see what that means:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table;
SELECT locktype, mode, relname, page, tuple FROM pg_locks LEFT JOIN pg_class ON relation=pg_class.oid WHERE mode='SIReadLock';
mode | relname | page | tuple
locktype | ----------+------------+------------+------+-------
relation | SIReadLock | test_table | |1 row) (
In pg_locks
we can view predicate locks by checking for
. The one above is a relation
predicate lock. It means our transaction read the contents of the entire
table, so any concurrent transactions modifying any rows in the table
will create a rw-antidependency from the writing transaction to our
transaction above. Remember this is not sufficient to cancel one of the
transactions: there needs to be a cycle* for a serialization anomaly to
happen, not just one rw-antidependency.
Let’s look at predicate locks for the two transactions we tried
earlier where one of them failed. Right before the first
statement, what do predicate locks look like?
DELETE FROM test_table WHERE id=200; -- Cleanup before you try again
-- Now run both transactions again, but right before the first commit run:
SELECT locktype, mode, relname, page, tuple FROM pg_locks LEFT JOIN pg_class ON relation=pg_class.oid WHERE mode='SIReadLock';
mode | relname | page | tuple
locktype | ----------+------------+-----------------+------+-------
1 |
page | SIReadLock | test_table_pkey | 1 |
page | SIReadLock | test_table_pkey | 2 rows) (
Notice two very important things:
- The predicate locks are on the index, not the table.
- tuple
is NULL. The predicate locks are on all of page
This means postgres doesn’t know left-txn only tried to read a row
with id=5
and right-txn only tried to read a row with
. Instead, it thinks any modifications to any rows that
live within index page 1 could’ve affected the SELECT
statements from both transactions. Because Ids 4,5, and 200 would all
live in page 1, postgres thinks there are rw-antidependencies from both
transactions to one another. This is clearly a false positive.
This is a problem of granularity. Sadly, while for tables there are tuple-level locks, for indexes the smallest granularity is a page. Which for a btree index of integers can include up to ~367 entries according to the pageinspect extension.
Predicate lock promotion
Suppose you select a few rows:
FULL) test_table;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table WHERE id BETWEEN 10000 AND 10002;
If you query locks now, you will see 3 relation tuple-level predicate locks and one index page-level predicate lock. If you select just one more row - the one with Id 10003 - and query locks again, postgres will promote what would be 3 tuple-level locks to one page-level lock:
mode | relname | pid | page | tuple
locktype | ----------+------------+-----------------+------+------+-------
7683 | 5400 | 23
tuple | SIReadLock | test_table | 7683 | 48 |
page | SIReadLock | test_table | 7683 | 26 |
page | SIReadLock | test_table_pkey | 3 rows) (
According to pageinspect, for this table (which granted, has very few columns) one page contains 187 rows. That is, the granularity of our predicate locks went from 3 to 187 rows because of one more selected row. This might be fine for your workloads, but it’s not a very smooth transition.
This is configurable through the max_pred_locks_per_page
setting, and there are more max_pred_*
settings worth
looking at because the default might be too low for your workloads.
There are other interesting things about SSI in postgres, though I’m
not sure I’ll find the motivation to keep writing about them. HOT
updates, predicate locks being replaced by “normal” locks on writes, and
some things I still don’t understand like postgres being smarter than
what pg_locks
might make you think it could be.
- README-SSI in postgres’s codebase discusses the implementation and also has a very interesting “Several optimizations are possible” section.
- Dan Ports’s and Kevin Grittner’s SSI paper.
- pg-hackers discussion thread of Thomas Munro’s unmerged patches with some improvements to postgres’ SSI implementation.
*: Postgresql doesn’t really check for a cycle. Rather it checks for two adjacent rw-antidependencies in a directed graph where transactions are nodes and rw-antidependencies are edges, with the transaction at the end of the second edge being the first to commit. This can lead to false positives in exchange for being a cheaper check. See Chapter 3.3 in the paper.